Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Wake Up Story

A Wake-Up Story from Healthy Child Healthy World on Vimeo.

Bleach ~ What you didn't know

Household bleach is called Chlorine Bleach because it contains about 5% stabilized chlorine. Chlorine by itself is corrosive and will cause a freezing burn if it comes in contact with the skin. Household bleach has been known to cause breathing problems, skin irritation and, eye
irritation. More sensitive people will see more severe reactions.

Did you know that the long term effects of low level exposure to chlorine bleach”...include diseases of the lung and tooth corrosion." (Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services, 2010) People with taxed immune systems will see more of these side

Another fact about household bleach is that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers it a pesticide. Most people are putting a pesticide on their counters, in their sinks, and
washing their clothes in it. We love the way it cleans, and whitens whites but do we ever stop to think about the fact that this household cleaner will wipe out the color from a shirt or that it kills mold, yes that’s a good thing but think about how hard mold is to kill and bleach does it easily. Do you want a killer pesticide around your children, your animals, your loved ones?


Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services.
(2010). CHLORINE. Retrieved February 2, 2011, from Wisconsin Department
of Health Services:

Friday, November 12, 2010

Asthma an everyday problem

According to the American Lung Association:
It is estimated that 6.1 million children under 18 years of age currently have asthma. Asthma is the third leading cause of hospitalization among children under the age of 15 and it is the leading cause of chronic illness among children. (
There are many things that can be done to help eliminate those things that trigger an asthma attack. Common household products like kitchen cleaners, air fresheners, and laundry soap with scent can trigger an asthma attack. One simple solution is switching to not scented products and natural products.
The problem with some natural products is they just do not clean as well as their counterparts. I have searched for many years to find products that do as good a job without all the harsh chemicals. I can help you switch your home over to healthy products that really work and save you money in the process. Check out the healthy home spot